Curve ball, True Love, Best Friend, Soulmate….

I have come upon a few road blocks, obstacles, hurdles whatever they may be called while trying to follow and make my dream of opening a shop happen or come to be.  I do know the if it was going to be easy then every body could/would do it…..philosophy and understand there has been and are going to be difficult times, but while trying to get my feet off the ground still, I have yet again been thrown a meteor sized curve ball.  I tell Robin what’s going on and things are now out of our hands and control (all the while sobbing).  He holds me tightly, gently and tells me it’s ok and that if this doesn’t work out how we have planned it then we will try something else, come up with a plan B.

I can not put into words how much this man means to me and how much I love him.  He works so very hard providing for us and never complains.  Robin is kind, loving, nurturing and so very thoughtful.  Don’t get me wrong we have had our moments, our trials, our times of doubt and anger and through it all true love overcame those “demons” from the past. It took me a while to realize that when Robin found me, I had found my knight in shinning armor, best friend, soulmate.

So as we continue on with our plans and possibly coming up with a plan B, I will hold on to him for his encouragement and strength, he has faith in me and the ideas we share and is very much looking forward to this adventure … I am the most lucky woman in the world.

Have a wonderful day and blessed week.


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